Monday, October 5, 2009

All talk, no action.

Mr. Sexy didn't come through with any money for the weekend - not surprising, but disappointing. We'll see if he sends any contact this week. Til then both he and Vlad are on the outs with me for not responding to my emails withing a reasonable amount of time.

So, this week I need to get in contact with Mr. Nice. I have a feeling he's not getting my texts so tomorrow I'm going to call him and see if he wants to go to dinner sometime this week. I need the cash to pay my parking ticket and my phone bill, and I'm dying for a nice (and by that I mean, upscale) meal after a weekend of dorm food with the boyfriend.

I've realized, I am good enough at compartmentalizing things to not be bothered by the idea of having sex with another man. This isn't about love or lust, it's just friendly affection between 2 people who have ways of helping each other out.

So that's my goal for the week. Wish me luck, babes.


ChicagoSugarBaby said...

I so hate fakes and flakes! GAH! Why waste BOTH of our time?!

I hope someone comes through! Keep us posted...I hope you and Mr. Nice get back on track!!!

ChicagoSugarBaby said...

Ps. When are you going to set up your FB profile?!