Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sometimes sugar falls in your lap.

So today I made my budget for the month and realized I'm actually really not as broke as I thought.

But then I get an IM from a potential SD I talked to many months ago. He was looking for hardcore domming and we never connected because I told him I honestly wasn't sure if i could provide that kind of companionship. I don't want to mislead anyone - if I can't provide you what you want, I'll send you somewhere else. No point in wasting each other's time.

So today I'm on my yahoo account, selling some furniture on CL, and I get an IM from him.

Now I think most of us SBs can say that when old pots IM us, it can be exhausting. You may or may not remember him, you may or may not feel like huomoring him, you may or may not be of the feeling that he's just trolling, looking for someone to lure with promises of spas and flights and 10,000 dollar allowances while he jerks it in his mother's basement.

So when this guy starts IMing me, I act like any normal SB being contacted out of the blue - I somewhat curtly ask him to remind me who he is and why I should pay attention to him.

We get to talking and he mentions that he would really like to start an arrangement. I mentioned that in my last arrangement I received a 500 dollar gift and nice meal each time we met, as well as occasional shopping trips. He said that was not a problem, as long as it was done in a submissive way. I suggested that when we go shopping he will walk 3 steps behind me, carry my bags, and pay for everything. He said that sounded hot. Ca-ching.

Part of how I know he's serious is because he didn't want to mess around - when I suggested we get together for a meal to get to know each other, he agreed straight away. Fakes always have "busy schedules" and want to spend a million years playing games.

We arranged to go to dinner tomorrow night, and if that goes well, to spend the evening together in a full-on dominant fantasy with orgasm denial. How crazy is my life right now?

Since we were talking a lot about bdsm, I decided to see how serious he was about serving me. I told him I expect him to bring a gift (in addition to money) for me. He asked what I would like, and I told him a bottle of Burberry Brit perfume. Though I know he'll be busy with work, he told me he wouldn't mind taking the time out of his day to pick up a bottle for me. He told me he was very into the idea of submitting to me. He told me he hasn't had sex in 2 years so he would appreciate it if I take the lead.

So that's my day tomorrow. Hopefully by midnight tomorrow I will have 600 dollars (100 from selling my tables on (CL), a bottle of my most coveted perfume, and a new sugardaddy who I can boss around and take advantage of any way I feel like, and who will submissively take me shopping. Ipod touch and Tiffany's bracelet, ahoy!

I'm way more ok with this than I thought I would be - perhaps because I know I'll be the one in control of everything. I thought it would feel like I was cheating on my boyfriend, but because there's no emotional attachment, it feels more like the most awesome job in the world. I'm getting compensated like a lawyer for going to dinner and then making a man beg for release. What the hell could possibly be better?

This is not how I thought the sugar game was supposed to work. I thought you were supposed to go out and hunt for a good SD, not have one fall into your lap at random. Bizarre. I'm already counting my chickens, making lists of the possible things I could spend the money on. If this goes well I might be taking in 2 to 3 K a month plus another K of shopping. Time to start investing instead of just blowing all my cash. I want a few pretty dresses and some heels, and a digital camera, and new tires for my car, but that's it.

Oh yeah. And some Uggs. Haha.


Chrissy said...

Oh I'm so jealous if he turns out great.
Send him my way if he gets stale ever, lolol.

Anonymous said...

Wow good luck! I hope I can learn from you! I'd love to have that kind of SD experience! Congrats and good luck! <3