Friday, October 9, 2009

Thanks Chicago!

Thanks for the awesome shout-outs on your blog. I sincerely appreciate it.

As far as Facebook...I am a huge facebook addict but when it comes to making one with no personal information I feel a little bit inept. Anybody have tips on making it fairly untraceable?

A few updates on the various plates I've got spinning right now...

1) Mr. Nice hasn't texted or called. What's his deal? He texts me, asking about my life, then doesn't respond when I try to set something up? I know he's busy, but come on, it's not hard to spend 30 seconds texting/calling someone. I see rude people doing it all the time.

2) Mr. Sexy sent another email after I didn't respond to his last one. He asked if everything was ok and if it was "time for that spanking" hahaha. I responded with a little banter and then "I've really enjoyed corresponding with you but I need my daddy to take care of me. I want to go out to a concert next weekend but after buying books and paying tuition I have no money for tickets, gas, etc :( I've got my paypal account set up so I was wondering, would you could you maybe help me a little?" He loves the helpless little girl act. So we'll see if he's down for paying for this set-up or if he's just some fake loser.

3) Vlad disappeared off the face of the earth. I sent him a reminder email, and it pinged back to me as undeliverable. Douche.

4) I am close to having an awesome job as a hostess at an upscale French/Italian restaurant! I would make some serious bank at that job, but I would have to work a lot of nights and weekends. Sadface. All the fun jobs take place during the crappiest hours, all the jobs with good hours are stab-myself-in-the-face boring. Is there a happy medium? A fun job with good hours?

5) Haven't been able to connect with Mr. Slave yet. Hopefully I can have him pay my phone bill, then buy me some cute stuff from Wet Seal (how much am I loving that site right now? I used to think Wet Seal sucked but lately they've had some super cute stuff.)

6) 100 bucks basically fell out of the sky this week. I got a refund check from the trip I went on this spring - fuel prices went down in between paying for the trip and going on the trip, so I got 111.00 back. How awesome is that?

7) The bf is my substitute SD for right now. When I'm sleeping over at his dorm he buys all my meals, pays for my movie tickets, surprises me with little gifts and breakfast in bed, and yesterday he gave me 10 bucks for gas. And the sex is the best I've ever had. Awesome-ness.

So that's the upshot of this week. Still need money, just not as desperately as I did before.


d.sugarbaby said...

Hey SK, as far as the facebook account goes, i set mine up with an alternate email i created @ gmail so u dont have to use ur actual email...u dont have to post ur real name or location or anything if you dont want to...were not trying to track u put whatever you feel comfortable posting...we all have photos of ourselves and the things weve received, and some of us have photos of our pots on there...its completely up to you :)


BlackDiamond said...

I agree, do what makes you feel comfortable :) We are all here to support each other!

Sugarcookiebaby said...

Wow, you and your bf are still together? Me and mine too! You go girl!

...cept he comes to MY apartment and mooches off me, lol... he doesn't have a job but the sex and closeness is incredible. I want to use some sugarmoney to help him out a little. He lost his job recently, so I want to cheer him up with a gift or so.

Tiara said...

I did the same thing as d.sugarbaby, I created a new email @ yahoo and just use that one for my facebook page. Good luck with the pots :)