Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Feminine Mystique and sugarbaby culture in the modern era.

Today's book: The Feminine Mystique, by Betty Friedan. A second-wave-feminist critique of the post-war "happy housewife" propaganda culture.

I read the first 4 chapters of this terrific book at my job today (I read when it gets slow), and I wondered how it might relate to the sugar lifestyle. Friedan makes the case that the "happy housewife" is a myth - that bright young girls are taught to tamp down their dreams as they age, and when they marry and have children, their identities and dreams become lost in the endless cycle of meaningless chores.

I see both sides of this - some women do find a very intense satisfaction in devoting themselves to their families. But I know that I am not that kind of woman myself. When I was out of work for months last year, I essentially lived as a housewife. I woke up whenever I wanted, stayed home all day except for when I went out with my boyfriend, cleaned and cooked each night, and had essentially no responsibilities. And it completely, completely sucked. I was bored out of my mind. I felt myself becoming stupider each day. I desperately craved human interaction. I let my looks go. I felt no sense of self-worth, because I was unable to accomplish anything. No one relied on me for anything. I became afraid of confrontation - so much so that I often avoided answering my phone or the door. I didn't want to see or talk to anyone because I was so ashamed of my inaction.

I thought about my sugardaddy and my allowance today. I realized that I'm actually glad my allowance is 2k a month instead of 3k. I'll be earning that extra thousand each month myself, instead of relying on my SD for it. I'll be relying on myself for most of my basic needs, instead of on a man. Mr. Nice will spoil me, but it will mostly be "fun money" and extra pocket change for all the little things I can't afford on a budget.

And I think that's how it should be. For me, at least.

1 comment:

Tiara said...

That's a good way to look at it. Happy to see you found yourself a good sugar daddy.