Thursday, March 26, 2009

Take a chance on me...

Yesterday went out with Mr. Nice. Had lunch, which was nice but a little bit of that haven't-seen-each-other-in-a-while awkwardness. He bought me the baby back ribs and a coffee. He told me about Vegas and we talked about the weather there (temperate) as opposed to here (constantly overcast and still chilly). We talked about pensions and 401Ks. We talked about the financial portion of the arrangement, and I said I would prefer a direct bank transfer. He said that was fine, he just hadn't been sure I would be comfortable with giving him that much personal info (my full real name, etc). Then he offered to go shopping with me, but I didn't want to miss any of the previews (haha yes, I am that person who likes trailers more than the actual movies), so we went straight over to the movie theater. He bought us 2 tickets for Duplicity and we went in.

The first half of the movie was strange - I was wearing a miniskirt and resting my feet on the seat in front of me, and I could tell he wanted to touch my legs by the way he kept finding excuses to brush his hand against my thigh. He kept commenting on what great shape I'm in. The arms between the seats didn't go up, so he couldn't put his arm around me. Then I got up to go to the bathroom and I thought "When I come back from the bathroom, I'm going to go for it," and apparently he had the same thought because as soon as I sat back down he reached across and held my left hand with his left hand. I had my legs up so our hands were kind of resting on my upper thigh. We held hands throughout the rest of the film - another hour or so.

After the movie he walked me to my car and we hugged, as usual, then we sort of did the side-of-the-mouth kiss twice. He asked "Can I get a real kiss?" and I laughed and said "Sure," and we kissed for a long moment. It wasn't as gross as I thought it would be, kissing a man 23 years my senior. He asked me if I wanted any money just then, and though I thought he was being a bit indelicate by asking that way, I said that if he wanted to give me some gas money I wouldn't mind. He pulled 2 hundred dollar bills out of his wallet and handed them to me. He told me he wouldn't be around til Friday of next week, and I said OK. He shut the door for me and I drove away.

So, that was my first date with Mr. Nice. We'll see what happens when I email him with my info.

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