Thursday, March 5, 2009

I've been sitting, waiting, wishing...

Boston said he wants to shoot for a meeting "later this week" - well, it's Thursday, and here I am, like a girl in a 1950's movie, checking my cell phone and email every few seconds, waiting to hear from him. I know I shouldn't be doing this - I know I should be a strong, independent girl who can just barely pencil him in to my schedule - but the truth is, I like this guy and I am seriously jonesing for some disposable income. I don't want to miss my chance when it comes. In fact I made a little list of the stuff I'll want to buy when/if I get an allowance:

1. Put away 500 dollars so that I have a one-month rent cushion, just in case.
2. One tube Retin A cream, 0.05%, $16.95 + $10.00 shipping.
3. Pay off a big part of my TKD bill each month until it's totally paid off (this will be $2000+)
4. Buy some new clothes and shoes to wear around him so he has a strong visual reminder of his investment. Flirty spring skirts (this month is going out like a lamb, after all), a few dresses, beautiful little heels of all shapes and colors, and tops that show my narrow waist and large chest to their greatest advantage.
5. In time - I will FINALLY buy a few things for myself that I have coveted for YEARS. A bottle of Burberry Brit for Women, a Tiffany's oval-tag bracelet, a turquoise ipod, and a pair of those fucking ADORABLE ruffle-front Louboutin heels. Yup - I'm all about the status symbols, baby.
6. All the normal stuff - another year's worth of contact lenses, a full tank of gas, and maybe a costco membership so I can buy the gallon-size jar of hummus...
7. Oh yeah - I'm traveling to Asia this summer and need to put away a bunch of money (like 800 dollars) so that I'll have spending money while I'm there. After watching an awesome show on the food channal, I intend to try to eat as many things as possible from street vendors, and of course I want to bring home awesome trinkets for my friends, family, boyfriend, and sugar daddy! I also need to buy clothes that will see me through the trip - I've been advised it will be hot and humid and rain a lot, so I should wear linen pants that will dry quickly when the sun comes out. I also need to be covered up modestly enough so that I can go into the religious temples, etc.
8. Take my mom and dad out for a NICE dinner. When they go out they go to McDonald's, Blimpy's...that kind of place. They NEVER take themselves anywhere nice. So since both of them had their birthdays in February (but I was too broke to bring them anything but baked goods) I'd like to do them a solid and have them come out with me to our local upscale watering hole. They deserve it.

Ok. Off to the store to buy tweezers so I can make myself beautiful.

1 comment:

Tiara said...

Good list...I should make one :)